7-Day Meditation Challenge


The benefits of meditation are varied and generously supported by scientific research.

From mental and emotional health support to improvement in the immune system and gut function, meditation offers something for everyone looking to become aware of, and improve, their overall wellbeing.

This seven-day challenge, based loosely on the seven chakras in the body, starts with grounding into your space and feeling emotions, then turns inward to be more mindful of your self-worth, self-love, and positive self-talk. 

With each meditation lasting about five minutes, the time commitment feels small, but the impact on your life will feel massive.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A quiet spot where you can relax

  • Five to seven minutes

Here’s what you do:

  • Pick a time that fits your life and your lifestyle.

  • Scheduled that time into your calendar or daily plans to ensure you commit to doing this for seven straight days.

    • The length of time matters less than committing to a daily practice. The benefits of meditation are seen most strongly in those who consistently engage in mindfulness.

  • Find a quiet spot to sit — make sure it’s comfortable with minimal interruptions.

  • Be kind to yourself as you start, especially if this is the first time you’re attempting to meditate! This is hard stuff — your brain doesn’t like sitting still. Each time you realize you’ve wandered off mentally, bring yourself back. Just as you would gently guide a little puppy back to safety, so should you gently bring your attention back to the meditation and your breath.


Muladhara Day 1 Meditation

Grounding: Using basic meditation guidance, this five minute practice is the perfect introduction to meditation.


Swadhistanan Day 2 Meditation

Feeling Joy: As serious as it seems, meditation also has the ability to help you find joy in the moment.


Manipura Day 3 Meditation

Self Worth: Taking time for yourself is really a value statement, one where you decide that your mental health and wellness are worthy of your time and energy.


Anahata Day 4 Meditation

Self Love: Taking care of yourself is the best way to show yourself some love.


Vishuddha Day 5 Meditation

Self Talk: The language that runs in your mind sets the stage for how you communicate about and with yourself


Anja Day 6 Meditation

Inner Strength: When you pause to recognize a strength or success, you’re slowly reprogramming your brain to recognize positive stimuli, too, and in turn, you change the structure and function of your brain.


Sahasraha Day 7 Meditation

Understanding Yourself: As you come full-circle by continuing your practice today, take time afterward to pause and reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself through the process.


Did you complete this 7-day Meditation Challenge?

We’d love to hear from you about your experience! Please take a moment to share your thoughts!


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